2020 / Video
2020 / Video

Mediaset Infinity Live

Mediaset Content Factory, Studio71 Italy

Mediaset Infinity original content strategy is based on live streaming shows to push viewers more familiar with linear TV channels into new contents.

During several years we created a variety of shows mixing the streaming language of Twitch and YouTube with very successful original IPs coming from Mediaset linear channels. Top Italian TV personalities and influencers were enrolled to host these different new formats.

Our “Party” format is half a talk show and half a reaction to the linear television prime time show. With more than 120 minutes of live streaming per episode, running several days a week, Mediaset Infinity teases and promotes the most important television shows while creating original content to engage the online fandom.

Isola Party, Pupa Party, Zelig Party and most famous GF Vip Party are well known new IPs in the Mediaset digital portfolio (see the Wikipedia page). GF Vip Party topped more than 200K viewers per episode, becoming one of the top 10 most commented Italian television shows according to Nielsen (most notably, without being aired on television!)

GF Vip Party: L’intervista doppia di Giulia Salemi e Pierpaolo Pretelli
Isola Party: Soleil Sorge e la sua imitatrice Valentina Barbieri: l’intervista doppia
GF Vip Party: Tommaso Zorzi e Tommaso Stanzani parlano del loro rapporto
Pupa Party: Dayane Mello racconta la sua breve relazione con il rapper Kanye West

A few years earlier, we conceived Adoro! As a 45 minutes show streaming live on three different platforms: Mediaset Infinity, YouTube and Facebook. The aim of the project was to boost the live streaming fruition of the show on Mediaset Infinity just before broadcasting the linear television top show “La Pupa e il Secchione e Viceversa”, creating awareness around the new television show across different audiences and social platforms.

With the help of the popular television Instagram commentator Trash Italiano and the involvement of famous personalities in the television and digital world as weekly guests, we have created a low budget but high frequency version of a television talk show.

Adoro! La Pupa e il Secchione e Viceversa con Tommaso Zorzi, Giulia Salemi, Lory Del Santo e Iconize
Adoro! La Pupa e il Secchione e Viceversa con Tommaso Zorzi, Giulia Salemi, Vladimir Luxuria e Awed
Adoro! La Pupa e il Secchione con Tommaso Zorzi, Giulia Salemi, La Diva del Tubo e Nicolò Scalfi
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